Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Room of Her Own--

I know that Virginia Woolf thought of the term--but I think this tool will allow all women everywhere to have that proverbial room of her own--to contemplate, to write, to discuss, and the beauty of it is --the room is in our own home, and we are in that place, and yet--we can have influence worldwide--this is so rich!! I am almost giddy with delight! Okay, so I am a late bloomer, or rather I am not Quick Draw McGraw--it takes me a while to 'get it,' and when I do I want to run outside and shake a tree or something. I have to thank my daughter, Sarah, because she has been doing this a lot longer, and encouraged me so much. I just loved going to her room and taking a look. This is better than email, better than the phone, and allows for better discussion, and real growth as a writer,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks mom, you have always had so many great insights. I am glad you are finally getting them out there in blog form! Write away. :)