Friday, January 1, 2010

After attending a New Year's Eve Party--

I went to the party, and I think I had some kind of fun--although odd fun. I danced. I flirted, and then I left, horrified. Why do I hate these things? I think it reminds me of cars, yes, that's it.

I think because it feels exactly like when I dreamed and planned on buying that first car, I dreamt of the best, mine was a sleek, red, Chevy Impala, with a great engine under that hood,and the body looked great, it would go fast, and the interior, ooolala! I dreamt of the ride, I dreamt of the drive, and the places I would go. Heck, even to park in that car was, well, my fantasy.

Then I found that it would take me years to have enough to even consider that particular model. I could only afford the used car lot, and my dreamt model and design wasn't there. I hated the used car lot. There is always the pushy salesman, and then there's the disclosure statement--the odometer reading, all the ya da yada ya da. Where is the romance? Where is the spontaneity?

Now, I am not opposed to "used" and it is NOT the pejorative many believe. We have, at this age, all been married. So, why does this feel so depressingly like the used car lot? It's because it is far too passive. Are we all just sitting there waiting for some one to negotiate a deal? Okay, I might be a convertible, but am I a Buick, a Chevy, (I know I am not a Dodge--I never Dodge,well maybe a time or two is the dude I am looking for a Harley? Dualie? A monster truck? Is he dinged up, rusty? So, we move around the room, we wonder about the engine, and the missing spark plugs. No, I do not like the used car lot. I am heading downtown for the car auction. That's where the deals are--I have spontaneous wild friends, and they've let me in on it. come on, I at least want the car auction! That's the place where you can find the deal!

The screaming deal rolls in,a vintage classic model--long low and sleek. The auctioneer calls the model name, the year, they pop the hood,and it is sooo exciting! A rev of the engine, listen to him purr after he starts up, check the muffler, does he burn oil, or run clean? Go ahead, slide into the seat feel the leather, and all while the car is moving! Can I drive this one without grinding the gears? Oh, sure, questions are asked, a history disclosed, but it is so much more exciting than the used car lot. It is delightful! Although you cannot take him out for a spin, you at least get to see how he drives. I am going for the auction. What should I bid?